How To Make Your Own Magical Full Moon Water

Each month for three magical days the Earth baths in the spiritual energy of the full moon. The full moon’s spiritual energy touches and penetrates all things on the Earth, both physical and spiritual. For thousands of years, Shamans and Mystics from every part of the world have recognised the time of the full moon as a very special period when the veil between the physical and spiritual softens for three special days. Water, the essential life force of the Earth itself when combined with the spiritual energy of the full moon, is the key to creating highly potent magical full moon water. At the time of each full moon, the powerful pull of the moon’s own spiritual energy acts on all water by broadcasting its healing energy frequencies deep into its molecules. 

The ancients believed that all life both physical and spiritual is kept in balance by what they called the Trinity of Life, which they referred to as Father Sun, Mother Earth, and Son Water. They held that the sun’s positive charge is balanced by the earth’s negative charge to create life, and that water’s spiritual life force keeps the creative forces of both in perfect balance. The combined spiritual energy of the trinity of the Sun, Earth, and Water creates the illusion of human physical form, which in reality is the self-aware spiritual energy that appears to be solid. Many of our top physicists now suggest that the only thing that exists is our consciousness. Physical reality is nothing more than a subjective virtual illusion.

Making your own magical full moon water: When the next full moon comes around, why not take advantage of the opportunity to make yourself a batch of potent full moon water? On the first night of the full moon, simply place a bowl or jug/bottle of water near a window and leave it for the full three days of the full moon and only remove it on the 4th day. Ideally, place a piece of moonstone in the bowl. Clear quartz is a suitable substitute. On the morning of the 4th day, rebottle your moon water and place it in the fridge. Full moon water is healing homeopathy for your mind, body, and spirit. 

Whenever you are feeling emotionally disconnected or suffering unpleasant emotions such as anger, apprehension, or frustration, have a sip of your full moon energy-infused water and you will soon feel those negative thoughts and the emotional chaos fading from your mind. Sipping a small daily glass of full moon water helps create inner harmony and clarity of the mind. You can also use your talismans to supercharge your full moon water.  

Using the power of your talismans to supercharge your full moon water:

Water is the life-giving and life-creating liquid of the universe. For thousands of years sacred and holy items have been added to water to infuse their benefits & blessings into the water. Passages from the Bible, the Koran, and Vedas texts have at times been added. As also have holy stones, gems, and different types of talismanic items. If a person became ill, a holy item or talisman associated with curing illness would be added and the ill person would sip the moon water till the illness subsided. If a person believed that they were attracting an unusual amount of bad luck and misfortune. Then a holy item such as a talisman or amulet associated with attracting good luck or warding bad luck would be added to the water and the person suffering bad luck would sip the full moon water till their luck improved. 

If you wish to add the benefits of any of your talismans to your full moon water. Simply prepare your full moon water as normal with your chosen crystal and add your choosing talisman to the water and do not remove it till the 4th day. Then sip the talismanic supercharge full moon water whenever you feel the need for spiritual and physical uplift. Every day if you wish.

Choosing the correct talisman to empower your Full Moon water:

{1} Making supercharged talismanic full moon water to banish negative and stressful situations and promote good health and general well-being. When preparing your full moon water, as well as adding your chosen crystal also add your Abracadabra protective amulet.

{2} Making supercharged talismanic full moon water to attract divine protection. When preparing your full moon water, as well as adding your chosen crystal also add your Chi-ro Qabalah Angelic protective amulet.

{3} Making supercharged talismanic full moon water to attract good fortune and prosperity in your life. When preparing your full moon water, as well as adding your chosen crystal also add your Qabalah Good Fortune talisman.

{4} Making supercharged talismanic full moon water to help create a mentally well-balanced and happy life. When preparing your full moon water, as well as adding your chosen crystal also add your magical talisman of Saturn.

{5} Making supercharged talismanic full moon water to empower and energise your body. When preparing your full moon water, as well as adding your chosen crystal also add your Secret Wand of Isis.