The First Wisestone you chose was – The Wheel of Life
The Second Wisestone you chose was – The Water of Mystery
The hidden influence in your reading is – The Moon Queen
This reading is personal to you and is created by the two Wisestones selected, in the exact order they were chosen by your higher self. It offers a spiritual insight into your recent past and present circumstances and also spiritual guidance to help open your mind to future possibilities and opportunities.
Home and Family Life: The restless Wheel of Life combines with the overly impulsive, feminine influence of the Water of Mystery and the maternal Moon Queen, the hidden influence in this reading, to reveal that you are facing a number of challenges in your home and love life at this moment in time. The Wheel of Life forecasts that what should be exciting changes to your home and love life may become complicated due to mistrust connected with two females and a manipulative motherly figure. The Water of Mystery advises that right now there is an urgent need for you to act with confidence and greater self-control and, if necessary, you may need to show a willingness to agree to what others see as a fair compromise. If you refuse to compromise you are likely to be the one who ultimately loses out. The Moon Queen advises that if you act on your intuition and also listen to some good motherly advice, you will soon have good reason to celebrate a mini triumph in the very near future.
Love, Sex and Relationships: The adventurous Wheel of Life combines with the sexy Water of Mystery and the mature Moon Queen to reveal that your home and love life are heading for a period of turmoil and uncertainty that may last up to three months. The Water of Mystery forecasts that self-inflicted relationship problems are likely to be at the root of a period of unease and mistrust that will only come to an end when you agree to compromise. The Moon Queen forecasts good times ahead for your love life, but first you must banish a problem with a female to the past where it belongs, and no longer allow it to be the cause of mental stress and jealousies. The Water of Mystery forecasts that within three months from the date of this reading a new and very exciting period in your love life will have begun, the catalyst for which will be an exciting journey connected with the past.
Work, Career and Money: The restless Wheel of Life combines with the creative influence of Water of Mystery and the strong-minded Moon Queen to reveal that an interesting creative and financial opportunity is now heading your way. The Moon Queen advises that if you act on this opportunity it may mean working long hours from home. Be warned that the financial rewards are likely to take longer to materialise than you hoped. However, if you act upon this up-and-coming creative opportunity, it is predicted to open the door to better things in the future and also to offer you the possibility for travel, for which the restless part of your soul has yearned.
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IMPORTANT: The above Wisestone reading is a genuine forecast for your present life path, similar to what you would receive from a face to face professional Wisestone reading. For anyone interested in divination and the predictive arts such as the Tarot and Runes, we highly recommend our Wisestone Box Set. You can use Wisestones to tap into the nature of time itself and gain a glimpse of what opportunities the future may hold or simply to shine a spiritual light on your present life path.
CONTENTS: Wisestones consist of TWO divination books. The Wisestone Fortune Teller and the Wisestone Oracle, ten Wisestones, one card for placing the stones plus a carrying pouch. All presented in a stunning presentation box.