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Special Discount Offer:

Save £15 today, when you order our special SET of two of Agrippa’s most successful talismans.

The First and Second powerful sacred seals of Agrippa.

Order the SET of  Agrippa talismans today at a £15 discount.

Pay only £84.90 instead of the normal price of £99.90 

Traditionally, the First and Second sacred seals of Agrippa are carried in conjunction with one another. 

The First Seal of Agrippa Talisman

Ownership attracts prosperity in all areas of life and also helps to create unique opportunities to fulfil an ambition. 

Individually handcrafted in stunning pure British solid sterling silver.
Supplied with a FREE  20-inch pure British solid sterling silver chain worth £21.95 in a quality presentation box.
Size 25 mm across, approximately the size of a British 10p piece.

Embedded into the silver metal of the First Seal talisman is Agrippa’s highly secret celestial formula of holy Angel’s names and sacred Angelic words of power. Our master Adept highly recommends the First Seal of Agrippa for anyone wishing to prosper and leave their mark in life.

All our talismans are supplied by our Master Adept fully empowered and activated. There is nothing whatsoever for you to do on receipt of your talisman. There is no need to even wear your talisman. Simply owning it will instantly attract the talismans associated life-enhancing Angelic benefits and blessings into your life.

This unique sacred seal talisman incorporates the life enhancing beneficial Angelic influences and properties associated with all the talismans designed and created by the famous medieval Mystic and Visionary Agrippa {Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim 1486 – 1535}. Agrippa is known to have gained his vast knowledge of the workings of the esoteric laws of nature and the attraction of Angelic blessings through direct access to copies of arcane manuscripts once belonging to the great biblical King Solomon.

Embedded into the silver metal of the First Seal talisman is Agrippa’s highly secret celestial formula of holy Angels names and sacred Angelic words of power. Traditionally this sacred seal talisman has been revered by Adepts of esoteric circles including our own master Adept. The First Seal of Agrippa talisman is known to attract the Angelic power to create true success and help attract financial and material prosperity to its owners, no matter what their situation, ambitions or desires. This sacred seal talisman was once available only to members of esoteric orders, its legendary owners included W. B. Yeats, Count Saint-Germain, Mme Blavatsky, Casanova and Michelangelo.

Our master Adept highly recommends the First Seal of Agrippa for anyone wishing to prosper and leave their mark in life. It is, without doubt, an incredible, highly beneficial and very necessary Angelic tool. Its possession is known to help guide its owner along life’s magical path by giving them access to a host of unique life changing opportunities they would not otherwise have experienced. All its past owners have tasted the good life and all have either left their mark on history or known the thrill of fame and worldly success, or both.

The Second Seal of Agrippa Talisman

Ownership greatly enhances and promotes the development of psychic ability.

Individually handcrafted in stunning pure British solid sterling silver.
Supplied with a FREE 20-inch pure British solid sterling silver chain worth £21.95 in a quality presentation box.
Size 25 mm across, approximately the size of a British 10p piece.

The master Adept of the Circle of Raphael regards this very special sacred seal talisman as highly beneficial and necessary for anyone interested in the investigation and development of their psychic ability. When carried on one’s person, it helps to greatly heighten and multiply its owner’s natural powers of intuition and also greatly enhances and promotes the development of their psychic ability.

All our talismans are supplied by our Master Adept fully empowered and activated. There is nothing whatsoever for you to do on receipt of your talisman. There is no need to even wear your talisman. Simply owning it will instantly attract the talismans associated life-enhancing Angelic benefits and blessings into your life.

The master Adept of the Circle of Raphael regards this very special sacred seal talisman as highly beneficial and necessary for anyone interested in the investigation and development of their psychic ability. When carried on one’s person, it helps to greatly heighten and multiply its owner’s natural powers of intuition and also greatly enhances and promotes the development of their psychic ability.

This unique sacred seal talisman is one of the most highly prized and successful talismans designed and created by the famous medieval Mystic and Visionary Agrippa {Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim 1486 – 1535}.  Agrippa is known to have gained his vast knowledge of the workings of the esoteric laws of nature and the attraction of Angelic blessings through direct access to copies of arcane manuscripts once belonging to the great biblical King Solomon.

Placed under the pillow before sleep it assures its owner of prophetic dreams. Agrippa himself referred to this talisman as the ‘key to all knowledge’, as it is held to give its owner subconscious access to the Akashic records which are said to store all the knowledge of the universe. past and future. We highly recommend this ancient seal talisman for anyone wishing to greatly enhance and quadruple both their psychic ability and their natural power of intuition. Its past owners included famous Mystics such as Nostradamus, Dr Dee & Eliphas Levi. Intuition is our most valuable asset and anyone using it to the full will reap rewards that will seem to the uninitiated to be nothing less than miraculous. Our Adept highly recommends the Second Seal of Agrippa for anyone in need of an edge in the game of life. Due to its ability to greatly heighten one’s natural intuition and psychic powers, its owners are said to exert a mysterious influence over others.

The 15th century Mystic known as Agrippa was without doubt history’s most successful talisman creator. Chick for more detail.